Finally Peruvian Parliament approved the new firearms law promoted by our mates from APPLAF(Asociacion Peruana de Propietarios Legales de Armas de Fuego) integrated in our partner CALL (Coalición Armas Legales Latinoamericanas). It is the first time, I can I remember, that a firearms civil rights association is able to revert completely a gun control situation in a country.
We have to consider that in two last years, from december 2012, the situation for gun owners in Peru became insupportable with some new prohibitions added to the peruvian legislation (25054 Law). Some of these prohibitions included: 9mm parabellum ban, shortened the firearms licenses to only a year, limitation in number of firearms, calibers forbidden, limits in the quantity of ammunition, etc.
Thanks to the hard work of our mates, specially Jthomas Saldias, they began with different strategies, demonstrations in front of governamental buildings, interviews thru media (press, radio and TV) and contacting with politicians. Also they created a radio program about firearms with permanent critiques to the old legislation. They were able to began panels with politicians and began the negotation process.
Finally APPLAF made a proposal of a new law that was approved by politicians in a 90% (this process took several months with a lot of discussions). In the end our brother organization succeeded with its project. The new law was approved last Thursday almost unanimously.
Some characteristics of new legislation are: no limits in number of firearms, no forbidden calibers, suppressors allowed for hunting, licenses simplified (a permit for possesion and only two licenses, one for hunting-shooting and other for self-defense), more ammunition allowed to store at home, new advantages for collectors (they can show and transport their collections easilly), for self-defense are allowed to carry til three firearms, etc.
This « milestone » in the pro-gun movement was achieved with few economical resources, that come form SCI (Safari Club International), some armories and some ammunition and firearms importers. Specially for latinamerican organizations and ANARMA it is a very important precedent that shows that only with some women and men, involved, convinced, gallant with hard working everything is possible.
From this little summary I want to congratulate Jthomas Saldias for his enormous effort and responsibility in this success.
Online News by Peru21: Congreso crea un registro de personas inhabilitadas para utilizar armas writes: PERU APPROVES OF THE BEST GUN LAWS OF THE WORLD