The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) published 847 amendments for the EU Firearms Directive.
Download PDF : 847_Amendments by IMCO (Update on 15-05-2016)
We thought, 250 amendments at the LIBE committee were much, but now we see up to 800!
Funny phenomenon: Every time we see something and think « Hey, that is total bullshit », it came from Durand (French Green). Every time we see something that makes a bit of sense the names above are Ford (rapporteur ) and Corazza Bildt (Sweden).
It will take some days until you can read them in your national language.
These amendments will be voted for and their final outcome will be presented to the European Parliament. Here a short history what happened in the past at IMCO: Link
Let’s hope that Durand’s opinion will be in the end of June crashed as Gomes’ at the LIBE Committee in May.
There the EPP, ECR and ALDE groups led common sense and sanity to victory in their vote, throwing out of the window most, if not all, of the largely anti-gun proposals of the European Commission and of the social-democrat, left and green groups.
But for this we need to persuade the Members of Parliament, especially of the S&D fraction, to reject the anti-gun amendments.
You can find all IMCO members here:
Or sorted by fraction: Search for Committees and Internal Market and Consumer Protection and your country or the Fraction :
In any case: be polite.
The Member of IMCO and LIBE are very engaged to find rational solutions for this proposal. If we cannot persuade them to rejects the proposal (it never happened before), they are the ones who can at least delete the most BS. But they won’t do it if you write in aggressive ways.
You can use our answers to IMCO and to the Commission for arguments. But keep it short and simple.
FIREARMS UNITED’s Answer to IMCO’s Draft
FIREARMS UNITED’s Answer to the European Commission
Download doc-files for Amendments:
One Comment on “New Amendments of IMCO published”
Some actual Information now here! (see links)
The « Committee draft report » with Amendments 1-86 is now avaliable in all Languages!
Amendment 87-303 in most langages
Amendments 304-579 seems to be still in the translation services
Amendments 580 – 847 is als still not ready translated. Keep watching!