European Commission: Banning bullets – do it for the Birds!

European Commission is not done with shooting community yet: the misguided attempt to ban guns failed due to actions taken by the European shooters community under the banners of Firearms United and many, many other organizations. Now get ready for round 2: Bullet ban!

The Czech Have Challenged the Faulty Firearms Directive in Court!

Now it is official – The misguided firearms directive will be challenged in the ECJ (European Court of Justice)

The Czech ministry of Interior has filed a suit 9th of August to prevent the implementation of the EU Firearms Directive, which would help the national authorities of the Member States to not implement the already faulty directive on national level.

Swedish Minister of Interior was fired yesterday – and You should be happy about it!

Swedish Minister of Interior Anders Ygeman [1] was fired yesterday – and You should be happy about it!

But why should you care?

Well, mr Ygeman has been rabid anti-gunner and has used his favourite phrase “We must consider public safety!” to hammer law abiding citizens with further restrictions on legal gun ownership and worked hard to hammer through further restrictions from EU level down to the member states.

Firearms United is going to Supreme Court – In Sweden!

Firearms United in supporting case is Swedish supreme court because every war is won one battle at a time and never through defensive actions only! Swedish authorities were active in trying to support the firearms directive and additional restrictions to everyone in EU to support their own agenda in Sweden, but now is time to fight back!

The Voting Day is approaching!

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in Inglese Americano. Per ragioni di convenienza del visitatore, il contenuto è mostrato sotto nella lingua alternativa. Puoi cliccare sul link per cambiare la lingua attiva. Situation update: As we have indicated earlier the European Parliament will vote on the firearms directive on 14th of March. Firearms United staff has worked overtime … Read More