Our special thank goes today to Mikael from Sweden
Mikael invented chamberflags and sold them for 150 SEK (15€) and spent 100 SEK (10€) of each sale to our fighting fund. He distributes them only on matches, not online. But he offers design and contacts for all who want to copy this action – as long as 2/3 is donated to FIREARMS UNITED. So if you wanna copy this action, contact your national chapter or partner.
07.07.2016: Balance 66.600 € (2.059,86 € (20.000 SEK) by Mikael „St.Michael” Schelén and 1000 € by a Finnish citizen)
01.07.2016: Balance 62.300 € (2000 € by B&T Switzerland)
27.06.2016: Balance 56.900 €
24.06.2016: Balance 54.300 €
23.06.2016: Balance 51.200 € (lots of donators from UK, Austria, Netherlands. Canada and USA)
22.06.2016: Balance 46.800 € (1000 € by a Finnish citizen)
17.06.2016: Balance on Friday was 41.600 € (1000 € by a German citizen, 500€ by LES ARQUEBUSIENS DE FRANCE and 1000 € by LIGUE REGIONALE DE TIR)
15.06.2016: More than 30.000 € (2000 € by French FFTir)
13.06.2016: More than 20.000 € reached us
09.06.2016 : 5000 € were coming in by Paypal and bank transfer (500 € by our partner UNPACT)
We invest small sums for advertising, flyers and also travel costs to Brussels. From 11th to 13th of July several of our team members will be in Brussel to meet MEPs before IMCO is voting. As we wrote last week, some of the compromises need rejection as they only produce more red tape. We are also in direct contact with MEPs who support our cause as well as with national organisations who have their own contacts.
Stay tuned next week as we will update new informations from Brussels ASAP.
Here are some examples for advertising and flyers:
Our chapter in Austria printed 5000 flyers and found gunshops who spread them.
Our national chapter in Italy copied the English flyer:
Our national chapter in the Netherlands copied the English flyer.
The English flyer
Download small PDF for the web (182 KB)
Download big PDF for printing (6,5 MB)
News from Brussels
FACE spread this very interesting information – made by the Commissioner:
Semi-automatic firearms are not particularly dangerous, admits the Commission
Replying to a parliamentary question1 , Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska, recognised that the only semiautomatic firearms posing a threat to security are automatic firearms transformed into semi-automatic firearms due to the fact that they can be reconverted into automatic firearms by criminals
Read the whole Press Release in EN | DE | IT | ES | FR
Our partner in Germany has been declared as „THE German gun lobby” which is able to oppress the Minister of Interior on TV. Seems our donation impressed some people in Brussels who have anti-gun friends in the German media.

Screenshot of Report Mainz of 5th of July
Our partner wrote a review of this biased report which has been paid by taxpayers.
Here the automatical English translation.