The media sees only two Pan-European gun lobbies who fight against the unjust Commission’s proposal: FACE and FIREARMS UNITED.

Every other fighter for our goal stays behind the curtain. We learned in the past that often those win whose arguments are published, not the ones with the better arguments. We have both: publications and better arguments.

[ES] ¿Qué ha sucedido realmente en la votación del Comité IMCO?

19/07/2016 Traducción al español del artículo publicado hace unas horas por el finlandés Mikko Pesonen, de FIREARMS UNITED. Él fue enviado en misión a Bruselas los días 11, 12 y 13 de julio, junto con otros activistas, para las negociaciones de última hora y para estar presente en la votación.

Como se habrán dado cuenta, todavía no hemos informado sobre los resultados exactos de la votación del Comité IMCO del Parlamento Europeo del pasado miércoles (13 de julio). Esto se debe a dos razones: en primer lugar, estamos bastante agotados después del esfuerzo estresante para defender nuestra posición hasta ese momento y, en segundo lugar, porque necesitábamos tiempo para analizar el resultado antes de precipitarnos en juzgar el mismo.

[DE] Online-Petition gegen die Verschärfung des EU-Waffenrechts

18/07/2016 – Die Vereinigung FIREARMS UNITED sammelt online Unterschriften gegen die Verschärfung des EU-Waffenrechts, die derzeit in den Gremien der Europäischen Union diskutiert wird.

Wie Pro Tell, die die Petition von FIREARMS UNITED aktiv unterstützt, schreibt, gehen die Verhandlungen um die Verschärfung des EU-Waffenrechts dieser Tage in die entscheidende Runde. Deshalb sei es von grosser Bedeutung, wenn möglichst viele Schützinnen und Schützen die Online-Petition unterschreiben, um auf die EU Druck auszuüben.

[EN] EU Parliament should reject firearms directive

11/07/2016 The ill-conceived firearms directive proposals deserve Parliament’s outright rejection, argues Stephen A. Petroni.

Over the last seven months, MEPs have been attempting to re-write what is arguably one of the most misguided legislative proposals ever presented to the European Parliament. Barely one week after the Paris terrorist attacks that shook Europe, the European Commission published its proposal to amend the firearms directive, presenting it as an urgent response to terrorism.

The increase in European citizens’ scepticism and mistrust of the EU project is symptomatic of such a misguided approach by the Commission.

Firearm collectors have found themselves at the forefront of the defence of legitimate firearm owners, joining organisations representing European sport shooters, hunters, traders, manufacturers as well as a new grassroots movement of individual firearm owners – FIREARMS UNITED – to form a grand alliance of stakeholders.

Thankfully, many MEPs have taken a sensible approach. On 9 May the civil liberties committee voted to reject most of the Commission measures. With two days to go before a vote in the internal market committee, we appeal to MEPs to reject disproportionate measures that were proposed without an impact assessment.

[FR] L’Union européenne se mêle (beaucoup trop) de tout

03/07/2016 Utilisant le prétexte des attaques terroristes de Paris en janvier puis novembre 2015 et urgeant les uns et les autres à agir à la suite de celles survenues à Bruxelles en mars, le Conseil européen a officiellement soutenu l’idée d’étendre l’interdiction de possession des armes à feu comme le proposait la Commission depuis le 18 novembre 2015.

Cependant, comme le font remarquer les pétitionnaires de FIREARMS UNITED, ces propositions sont établies sans étude d’impact, sans discernement et essentiellement sous le coup de l’émotion (pour la partie visible) et avec, toujours, ce fond idéologique qui consiste à prétendre trouver une solution au terrorisme en désarmant les tireurs enregistrés, citoyens obéissants par définition, et en ensevelissant ces derniers sous des lois que les criminels, méchants qu’ils sont, s’emploient pourtant à contourner systématiquement.

[IT] Conarmi-Assoarmieri: “Colpire il settore armiero non fermerà il terrorismo”

22/06/2016 Conarmi, Assoarmieri, FITDS E Comitato Direttiva 477/FIREARMS UNITED hanno firmato congiuntamente un documento per parlare di quanto sta facendo l’Unione Europea in tema di armi. In particolare, l’attenzione è stata rivolta alla proposta 0269 del 2015 che ha indicato come obiettivi la lotta al terrorismo e la limitazione del numero di suicidi e omicidi commessi con le armi da fuoco in Europa.

[ES] Continúan las reuniones para evitar modificar la directiva de armas

20/06/2016 ANARMA trabaja simultáneamente y de forma coordinada con otros eurodiputados pertenecientes a diferentes estados de la Unión Europea a través de la organización supranacional FIREARMS UNITED, de la que es fundadora.
Desde la ONC se quiere agradecer públicamente a Sergio Gutiérrez y su equipo su implicación y preocupación en el asunto.

[IT]  Occupazione, Pil e diritti civili a rischio

20/06/2016  Comitato direttiva 477, Conarmi, Assoarmieri, Fitds e FIREARMS UNITED hanno reso noto un comunicato congiunto, nel quale sottolineano il gravissimo impatto che avrebbe il progetto di revisione della direttiva europea sulle armi, se fosse approvata nella forma proposta dal Genval.

[IT] Ministro svedese sotto inchiesta per la direttiva armi?

10/06/2016 Secondo una notizia ancora non confermata riportata da FIREARMS UNITED il ministro dell’Interno svedese, Anders Ygeman, sarebbe sotto inchiesta da parte del parlamento nazionale per aver travalicato i limiti del proprio mandato nella messa a punto della direttiva europea „disarmista” in discussione in questi mesi.

[EN] Gun lobby says revision of firearms directive is ‘futile’

16/06/2016 „The attack from FIREARMS UNITED comes after a parliamentary committee this week was told that 900 amendments have been submitted by MEPs to the Commission’s gun law proposals.  [..] However, ahead of the vote in mid-July, the gun lobby, which is particularly influential in central and eastern Europe, has stepped up its campaign to water down the draft revision.

On Thursday, a spokesperson for FIREARMS UNITED told this website, „The current firearms directive is an effective tool for security and does not unnecessarily obstruct legal activity. EU member states that faithfully transposed the directive into their national laws and applied proper enforcement enjoy positive results. What is necessary is further collaboration between member states to learn from those that successfully applied the directive effectively and to implemented measures that harmonise the procedures for better control.” […]

She expressed „deep grief” for the victims of the Paris attack and other victims of terrorism and crime world-wide and „fully supports any effective measures that may help to prevent such heinous crimes in the future.”

„For this reason we support the recent introduction of stringent deactivation regulations as well as sensible control of blank firing guns. Moreover we also support action against those member states that do not transpose such regulations into national law or do not enforce them properly.” The spokesperson went on, „However, we strongly oppose the proposed drastic measures which in the absence of a serious impact assessment only serve to punish law-abiding citizens and negatively affect their livelihood, destroy legally-held possessions including rare, historical and artistic artefacts and even pose a threat to national defence and individual security.

„Moreover we are angered by the fact that it is obvious to anyone with a modicum of logic that such measures would be futile as they would not cause the slightest dent in the activity of illicit trafficking which supplies illegal firearms to criminals and terrorists.”

FIREARMS UNITED brings together more than 200 million law-abiding gun owners in Europe. These include reservists, hunters, sport shooters, collectors, firearm dealers, manufacturers, security professionals, range operators and ordinary citizens who own non-restricted weapons.

[ES] ANARMA rechaza la actitud de la Guardia Civil en Bruselas respecto a la propuesta de modificación de la Directiva de Armas Europea

27/05/2016 “Estas medidas sólo afectarían a los usuarios legales de armas, en ningún caso a terroristas u otros delincuentes. Delincuentes que se abastecen de armas en el mercado negro, no en armerías, para cometer sus crímenes”, siguen desde la organización. Desde el momento que se conocieron estas propuestas, ANARMA, junto con el resto de asociaciones europeas integradas en la confederación FIREARMS UNITED, comenzaron una campaña informativa de denuncia de estas medidas propuestas en todos los países de la Unión Europea.

[IT] Cameron insiste sul proibizionismo

25/05/2016 A queste dichiarazioni ha risposto Katja Triebel, del gruppo FIREARMS UNITED, considerando che “il Regno unito è uno dei Paesi più violenti d’Europa, malgrado ciò insiste che le proprie leggi nazionali vengano applicate a tutto il resto dell’Unione. Nessuna delle proposte di messa al bando, però, ha alcuna efficacia né contro il crimine, né contro il terrorismo”.


11/05/2016 Ne da notizia l’organizzazione internazionale FIREARMS UNITED, specificando che  si tratta di una prima importante vittoria per i possessori di armi, anche se nell’ambito della procedura di riforma quello della Commissione LIBE altro non è che un parere consultivo, che può comunque condizionare favorevolmente il dibattito sulle armi.

[ES] El lobby de los cazadores y tiradores se alza en armas contra Bruselas

01/05/2016 “Lo que propone la Comisión [Europea] es un atropello a las libertades y a la propiedad privada”, afirma Daniel Álvarez, representante de la Asociación Nacional del Arma de España (ANARMA), que acoge a cazadores, tiradores deportivos y armeros. “[Se trata de] un golpe de efecto en la opinión pública para hacer como que hacen algo”…. “En Alemania prohibimos las armas B7”, dice Katja Triebel, activista de FIREARMS UNITED, una confederación integrada por más de una docena de asociaciones en la UE como ANARMA. “Y un estado federado preguntaba ‘¿parece militar este rifle?’ y el otro decía ‘no, le falta esto y esto está bien’ y era un desastre total. Y el Gobierno [de coalición] verdirrojo -que odiaba las armas de fuego- levantó la prohibición porque no era práctica en absoluto”.


20/04/2016 Sebbene nessuno degli attacchi che hanno scosso sino ad ora l’Europa sia stato realizzato con armi da fuoco di provenienza lecita (gli attentatori, infatti, si riforniscono attraverso il mercato nero e il dark web oppure ricorrono agli esplosivi fatti in casa), la Commissione UE non sembra intenzionata a rinunciare alla propria politica volta a “rendere più difficile l’acquisto di armi da fuoco in EU”.

Se, infatti, la Commissione intende garantire la sicurezza dei cittadini, essa dovrebbe concentrarsi piuttosto sull’enorme mole di armi illegali attualmente presenti all’interno della UE (secondo le stime di FIREARMS UNITED queste potrebbero superare i 100milioni di unità), sul mercato nero (sia fisico che virtuale) e sulle nuove tecnologie.

[PL] Gun TV: Kłamstwa KE w sprawie zakazu posiadania broni samopowtarzalnej [VIDEO]

17/04/2016 Andrzej Leszczyński z kanału „Gun TV PL” w najnowszym odcinku informuje, że dyrektywa, która po zmianach ma zakazać dostępu do legalnej broni samopowtarzalnej dla prywatnych osób, może mieć fatalne skutki nie tylko dla strzelectwa sportowego, ale i dla wolności społeczeństwa, które zostanie rozbrojone ku uciesze terrorystów. … Polska organizacja „FIREARMS UNITED” uważa, że proponowane zmiany w dyrektywie będą miały bardzo zły wpływ nie tylko dla samych posiadaczy broni palnej, ale przyczynią się również do obniżenia poziomu obronności społeczeństwa.

[ES]  El lobby de las armas renace en Europa

14/04/2016 No piden que les dejen llevar armas en la calle, pero culpan a los políticos de querer pagar su mala gestión con ellos

Según Daniel Álvarez, portavoz de la Asociación Nacional del Arma (Anarma) y miembro de FIREARMS UNITED (máximo representante del lobby en Europa), esa unificación de protocolos debió hacerse en 2008. Para Álvarez, este fracaso de la UE en la prevención del terrorismo sirve ahora como una excusa para reanudar un plan contra las armas muy mal diseñado. … La modificación de la directiva también impediría el acceso a réplicas de armas reales como las que se usan en airsoft. En total, FIREARMS UNITED representa ahora mismo los intereses de 12,5 millones de usuarios legales o coleccionistas de armas en la UE, y a 3 millones más de jugadores de airsoft, que han declarado la guerra a la Comisión.

Read also our English translation of this outstanding good article: The rebirth of the gun lobby in Europe

[EN]  European Gun Lobby Ready For A Fight As EU Cracks Down Under Guise Of Counter-Terrorism

08/04/2016  Pan-European shooting sport interest group FIREARMS UNITED is pushing a petition — so far signed by over 316,000 people and aiming for half a million — and is stirring up trouble in Brussels. FIREARMS UNITED activist Katja Triebel spoke to Breitbart London and said that the European Commission had failed to target the true source of terrorist weapons and instead was going after sportsmen and collectors. She said: “Brussels has missed the chance to harness the expertise [of the firearms industry] and will of these sectors to tackle the root problem…  large ex-military stockpiles in the Balkans and the unrecorded sale of military firearms that are inadequately deactivated or converted to [blank firing weapons] Slovakia and hence easily re-convertible to their original form”.

[HR] Protiv novih pravila EU: Europljani ne daju oružje

08/04/2016 Građanske i interesne skupine u EU u akciji protiv izmjena zakona kojima bi se postrožila pravila i zabranile neke vrste oružja kao posljedica terorističkih napada

Peticiju je pokrenuo jedan Belgijac koji se bavi sportskim oružjem, no kako ju je u kratko vrijeme potpisalo 320 tisuća ljudi, “preuzela” ju je organizacija koja okuplja vlasnike oružja, FIREARMS UNITED (FU). Organizacija je registrirana u Poljskoj, ali ima podružnice diljem Europe, pa i u Hrvatskoj, kako piše na njihovim web-stranicama. Zabrane nemaju smisla jer većina oružja u kriminalnom miljeu ionako dolazi s crnog tržišta – objasnila je Katja Triebel iz FFIREARMS UNITED.

[EN] Gun lobby stirs to life in Europe

05/04/2016 It’s not the National Rifle Association of America, but pro-gun groups mobilize against restrictions proposed by Brussels.

The petition against the EU proposal has been signed by more than 315,000 people since being launched in November by a Belgian sport shooting activist. It has since been taken up as a lobbying tool by FIREARMS UNITED, which calls itself a grassroots movement but discloses no lobbying spending at the EU level. One of the group’s activists, Katja Triebel, said it was founded in October 2013 “to fight against an EU gun ban” as policymakers began work a revision of the firearms directive first adopted in 1991.

[PL] UE ograniczy obywatelom dostęp do broni?

28/03/2016 „Powiedzcie NIE dla proponowanych zmian ogłoszonych 18 listopada 2015 roku. Nie pozwólcie na ograniczenia w sprzedaży i posiadaniu broni samopowtarzalnej tylko dlatego, że „wyglądają jak broń samoczynna” napisali autorzy petycji, którzy sprzeciwiają się propozycjom zmian w prawie dotyczącym posiadania broni. „Nie pokonamy terroryzmu zakazując posiadania broni” tłumaczą.

[PL] Czy dać Polakom broń?

04/03/2016 W efekcie, jak zauważa Dariusz Dura, twórca organizacji FIREARMS UNITED, zrzeszającej środowiska strzeleckie z całego świata, za czasów rządu PO–PSL ówczesny szef MSW Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz przekonywał, że państwo ma monopol na przemoc – i nikogo to nie dziwiło. – Ja oczywiście mogę oddać swoje bezpieczeństwo w ręce funkcjonariusza policji, ale jest jeden warunek: ten policjant będzie cały czas chodził za mną – dodaje z przekąsem.

[EN] Cameron Wants EU-Wide Ban On Semi-Automatic Firearms

14/12/2015 Katja Triebel of the Europe-wide campaign group FIREARMS UNITED said: “The UK is one of the most violent countries in the EU. The UK wants its gun laws for the whole EU. None of these bans stopped crime or terrorism.”

[SE] EU:s vapenlagar påverkar oss alla

14/12/2015 Om EU nu förbjuder vissa vapen står andra på tur nästa gång man vill skärpa vapenlagarna. Därför måste vi agera tillsammans, skriver debattöre Daniel Lilienberg – FIREARMS UNITED – Sweden – IPSC-skytt

[DE] ROMB Convention 2015: Tagung von Waffenfreunden in Polen

14/12/2015 ROMB Convention 2015: Meeting of weapons friends in Poland
The role of FIREARMS UNITED was declared. The advertising for the petition against the EU-wide tightening of the Weapons Act and the calls to all gun owners, to write, telephone or contact personally politicians, is the first acid test of this organization. In recent days, new countries have been added: Austria, Finland, Sweden, France, Croatia and the United States. Some ROMB members now know the work of Katja Triebel. They asked me to express to her their highest appreciation for the many analyzes and dossiers, which she publishes continuously. These documents also help immensely as arguments in talks with uninformed politicians. Dariusz Dura, the initiator of FIREARMS UNITED, announced registration of this organization as an association. Only in this way FIREARMS UNITED can officially occur and be funded legally.

[EN] European Commission: gun bans, lies, and a call to action

03/12/2015 FIREARMS UNITED now has provided the proof that the European Commission’s documents that were used to put up the gun ban proposal were full with fabricated data! We all knew that the world of gun enthusiasts wouldn’t just sit and watch. And as a matter of fact, after months of investigations, FIREARMS UNITED just published a document that, according to the same organization: „Proves how a few individuals − most notably former DG Home Cecilia Malmström and DG Home’s Firearms Task Force head Fabio Marini, among others − disregarded democratic rules to implement their dream of widespread gun control into law with lies, manipulation and ignorance.” That’s in FIREARMS UNITED’s own words. And one theory among others seems to be most credited, once again in the organization’s words: „These EU-officials were probably never interested in reducing crime or fighting terrorism. They only want to drive their own political anti-gun agenda against law abiding gun owners ignoring all transparency and democratic means.”

Same aritcle in German : EU-Kommission: Waffenverbote, Lügen und ein Aufruf zum Handeln

Same article in Italian: Commissione Europea: restrizioni sulle armi, menzogne, e chiamata all’azione

[CZ] Neberte nám zbraně! Rozjela se petice. A pěkně roste

01/12/2015 Don’t take our guns! A nicely growing petition says.
The European Union has decided to revive on November 18th a draft bill on the control of firearms. It should prohibit the possession of semi-automatic rifles and came five days after the terrorist attacks in Paris. However, the bill faces many lovers of weapons who put a lot of money and effort in their hobby and not only them. On the website appeared a petition addressed to the European Council that arms control cannot stop terrorism. It currently has over 215,000 signatures and has been translated into 14 European languages. It came by the movement FIREARMS UNITED, which brings together owners of firearms, hunters and other enthusiasts across Europe and the world.

[ES] La Comisión Europea planea confiscar millones de armas a cazadores, tiradores y coleccionistas europeos

01/12/2015 The European Commission plans to confiscate weapons million hunters, shooters and European collectors
This misuse and abuse of freedom of millions of European citizens have got immediate reply by dozens of pro-European organizations weapons, like ANARMA, which is grouped in the global confederation of associations of pro gun rights FIREARMS UNITED. A few days ago a campaign has been launched to collect signatures at . It shows the discontent and indignation of over 200,000 Europeans.

[IT] Un piano basato sulla manipolazione e su false informazioni?

24/11/2015 A plan based on the manipulation and false information?
FIREARMS UNITED has produced a well documented study on the genesis of the restrictions that the European Commission would like to introduce to trade and sales of civilian arms, in particular semi-automatic rifles. From this study, it believes it can be reasonably concluded that the infamous „task force” against European arms trafficking, led by Fabio Marini, has deliberately spread data manipulated or completely false, in order to justify legislative actions of disarmament.

[ES] COMUNICADO: ANARMA se posiciona contra el desarme de legítimos usuarios de armas propuesto por la Comisión EuropeaSPCOMUNICADO: ANARMA se posiciona contra el desarme de legítimos usuarios de armas propuesto por la Comisión Europea

19/11/2015 The National Association of Gun Spain (ANARMA) is totally against the disarmament of legitimate gun users in Europe planned by the European Commission. ANARMA along with other pro-gun related associations in Europe [e.g. the global confederation of associations of arms FIREARMS UNITED], will fight against the prohibitions of weapons that they plan on hunters, sport shooters, collectors and professionals armory. The weapons used by these groups have nothing to do with the terrible attacks that took place in Paris.

[DE] Die „German Rifle Association” im Interview: Mehr legale Waffen für Deutschland?

02/07/2015 The „German Rifle Association” in an interview: More legal weapons for Germany?
The German Rifle Association was founded in 2013 by Marc Schieferdecker as a true grassroots movement. It started from the beginning with Katja Triebel, Oliver Huber, Michael Hassler and Ron Siderius. All founding members were formerly active in the gun right movement, but wanted to do more together with the base of the gun owners and guns enthusiasts. The GRA pursues an overall progressive approach and is interested in the initiatives of its members. Networking is high priority – the GRA is also a member of the pan-European organization FIREARMS UNITED.

[PL] Dura: Ograniczenia w dostępie do broni uderzają w osoby praworządne

20/01/2015 The state provides us the so-called „soft security” only on paper. If the authorities believe that this is sufficient protection, let them give up their armed services – paid for by our taxes – said Dariusz Dura of FIREARMS UNITED.

[IT] Parigi, le immagini della morte del poliziotto usate per campagna pro armi: il web si divide

11/01/2015 The poster [of FIREARMS UNITED Italy] compares two images of the same event – the brutal murder of Ahmed Merabet framed with a mobile phone and then with a weapon (to stress that the most effective response is not the information, but the armed defense) – is generating a very strong debate between those who support the initiative (and the demand for „more freedom” for possession of arms) and those who oppose it strongly. The latter criticized the „disgraceful exploitation of the event and deaths in Paris to support the use of weapons. ” Some, including those who at this time are sharing the image, speaks also of sale. But in fact the organization does not produce anything, its goal remains the development of awareness of the importance of owning (all) weapon legally.

[ITA] L’uccisione del poliziotto Ahmed diventa uno spot pro-armi italiano

11/01/2015 – „The only thing that can stop an evil man with a weapon is a good man with a gun. Think.” And ‘This is the message that the FIREARMS UNITED Italy has launched in recent hours, publishing a manifesto in which it uses the images of the killing of Ahmed Merabet, the policeman shot dead by Islamic terrorists on January 7, in front of the drafting of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.


01/08/2014, Мария Бутина: Общественная организация «Право на оружие» стала частью европейской конфедерации организаций FIREARMS UNITED (European gun owners confederation «FIREARMS UNITED»), объединяющих сторонников прав граждан на оружие и самооборону. Кроме «Право на оружие» в ассоциацию уже вошли сообщества владельцев гражданского оружия из Чехии, Греции, Швейцарии, Германии, Великобритании и многих других стран.
Radio Echo of Moskow

[DE] Die GRÜNEN: „Unfassbar – GRA will Waffenbesitz als Menschenrecht”

05/05/2014 – Das war die erste offizielle Reaktion aus dem politischen Lager der GRÜNEN. Was ist passiert? Der Spitzenkandidat der Grünen zur Europawahl 2014, Sven Giegold, war über die Fragen so empört, dass er ein Anschreiben mit Fragen zum Waffenrecht der German Rifle Association (GRA) mit Anlage und seine Antwort auf seiner Webseite platzierte und diese per Twitter und Instagram verteilte. Von ihm stammt auch der Titel dieses Artikels. Die hier zitierte Anlage des Anschreibens wird übrigens auch von anderen Partnern der Waffenlobby, wie FIREARMS UNITED benutzt, die ebenfalls ihre Kandidaten kontaktiert haben.


17/12/2013 – Directorate A: Internal security – Firearms Task Force – The Head of the Task Force – answered to our letter.

[DE] FIREARMS UNITED erhöht den Druck gegen das EU-Papier zum Waffenrecht!

09/12/2013 – News-Update // Wie wir bereits am 20. November berichtet haben, rief FIREARMS UNITED – eine neue Organisation für das Recht auf Waffen mit Sitz in Warschau – Waffenbesitzer in ganz Europa dazu auf, sich dem Massenprotest gegen das neueste Weißbuch der Europäischen Kommission für eine strengere Waffenkontrolle anzuschließen.

[EN] FIREARMS UNITED urges action against the EC white paper on guns!

14/11/2013 – FIREARMS UNITED – a new, Warsaw-based pro-gun organization – urges gun owners from all Europe to adhere to a mass protest against the latest „White Paper” from the European Commission demanding stricter gun control 

[IT] Firearms United: petizione all’UE!

14/11/2013 – L’associazione FIREARMS UNITED propone a tutti i tiratori e possessori di armi dei paesi dell’Unione Europea di unirsi ad una petizione collettiva, ed inviare una lettera di protesta al commissario Cecilia Malmström!