Remember, remember the 18th of November

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Last year we posted this meme and asked you to answer the feedback of the Commission:

Say NO to #EUgunban and sign

Please also write your FEEDBACK to EU to the gun law. Do it politly, do it in your own words and language:

27,763 feedbacks came in!

Did you hear anything about it? Have they been mentioned or read?

No? Right!  You cannot even find our feedbacks in the list of the closed consultations

These feedbacks have just vanished from the webserver of the Commission.

Fortunately they have been online for a short while in June 2016 and we were able to store all the 27,763 feedbacks. If you are interested in – you can download the 9 MB xls-file wich also contains hyperlinks to even more information, as a lot of associations sent attachements with their feedback.

Download XLS of 9 MB: Link

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